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Barren Rocks 不毛禿石 2021

Barren Rocks is an investigation of a place once being described as "a barren island with barely a house upon it', drawing from images in postcards representing the city from 1840s to the present. Cutting off content of the city from its setting, the place is returned to the original state as the “barren rocks”, a phrase that originated from the 19th century describing the deficiency of the Hong Kong Island. The cut out pieces become placeless, some of them desperately improvise limbs with whatever available, while the others are petrified and turning into gargoyles.

不毛禿石 探查一個被曾經形容為禿石的城市。從明信片中追尋不毛禿石的圖像紀錄,至將所有圖像裏的人跡從地域中分割開,還原至相配不毛禿石的地貌。離開所屬地後,族群身份消失。支離破碎的圖像失去原有的依附,產生轉化。危急中肢體亂生互相攀附,又或另尋依附,轉化嵌入石頭。

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